Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Price on LeafletsPosted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 6 March 2004
I’m considering doing a leaflet drop and have not noted in previous posts on this, we only talk about the price deference between the ½ lounge £15 and what we charge, do any of you cc supply your prices on the leaflets?
Also when doing leaflets do you only supply only a phone number? As a consumer myself receiving leaflets from brand companies is one thin receiving them from some I don’t know is another?
All feedback is welcome
LenPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 6 March 2004
Len, I use leaflets and put my prices on them, if you look at the cleantalk site I've posted a picture of it.
It saves going out to do lots of qoutes, but I do believe if your prices are very high you should'nt list them, it will put people off calling you. You need to get in their home to explain face to face why you deserve such a high price
MikePosted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 7 March 2004
Put the name you trade under on your leaflets, it gives you credibility.
Prices- I never print prices on leaflets or on any other type of advertising.Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 7 March 2004
I have always understood, certainly since the abolition of the 'Registration of Business Names', That all company literature must show the name of the business owner plus the trading address - in order that they can be contacted and 'served' should it be necessary. I tell my prospective clients that no professional would advertise their prices (no offence to those that do).
Dave.Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 7 March 2004
Hi Dave
Sorry of cause I would put my business name on the leaflet although I omitted it in my post,
It’s the business address I was referring too, leaflets coming from branded names is not a problem but the others one gets say from roofing, drive and of course cc companies, (no offence to them) I have my doubts about using such companies, that why I request feedback from the cc on this forum.
With regards to company literature must show name & trading place I know yellow pages insist on it, but it appears local papers don’t nor do printers. I think a phone call to the trading standard office (if it’s them I need to talk too) is in order, as I want to project my self as the most professional as I can be and not a fly-be-night.
Thanks Dave
LenPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 10 March 2004
If you live in the nice street put your address on leaflet.
If you dont live in nice area do not.
Try to find relation who does and use their address with their permission.
People make strange judgements in this upwardly mobile society.Posted by nordan (nordan), 10 March 2004
were do i find the clean talk site lenPosted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 10 March 2004 by lenpg (Len Gribble), 10 March 2004
You now have put the so-called spanner in my thoughts “People make strange judgements in this upwardly mobile society”
Yes I do live in a reasonable affluent road that’s probably why I have never cc any one in my road or the roads sounding me how ever I know some use the ½ prices merchants as one came crying more or less to my wife can Len help us, wife reply it will cost you there reply why? I wont go into details it’s still on going. I think I will leave my address out. Ian I totally forgot about human nature, I’m a snob you’re a cleaner, I’m poor your rich. I can honestly say I forgot how some could be so judgemental.
Many thanks
LenPosted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 10 March 2004
Len, I don't put my address on my leaflets, however I do have my land line number on there, and people know the general area. I believe they look for a local or adjacent area code and therefore a local company. Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 11 March 2004
Hi Guys,
The only price that we put on our leaflet is for domestic cleaning "From £18.00"
With an 0800 Number
Then at the very bottom
Unit 7 Culzean Place Glamis Centre Glenrothes KY7 4RX
tHIS uNIT COST £100.00 PM Plus Rates it was the best thing i did regards the leaflets.
Like mike i intend to put carpet cleaning prices on the leaflet to stop all tha price shoppers...
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