Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 2 March 2004
Anyone who uses the bonnet cleaning system should take a look at these charly pads from Solution having had a demonstration yesterday the results were fantastic.Used them today and what a difference I'll be saying goodbye to my tradititional bonnets although a little more expensive well worth the money.Another fantastic product from Solution 
Posted by williamx (williamx), 2 March 2004
Will they fit a Victor Sprite 400 if so
1 How much are they 
2 Can I have the contact details 
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 2 March 2004
Contact Nick 0870 1123691/ 01726 852880 or check the website out http://www.solution-uk.com/
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 3 March 2004
hi nick
how do you use them?
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 3 March 2004
on a standard slow speed (180) monoblock machine, the pads are imersed in a normal microsplitting chemical and rung out then used on the machine, rotated through a water only rinse and rung before going back into the solution and back onto the machine, you only require 2 pads and a decent double ringer bucket Super pads charly does not require laundering because no soil bond to the pads, I will send info if you require. Due to the pads contruction wihich is world patented, we have created a pad that provides maximum agitation with minimal fibre distortion, the pads are single side use & have 5 absorbent sponge layers prior to use they need to be soaked to open the sponges.
Hope the above makes sense, possibly easier to explain over the phone!!
Best regards Nick
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 March 2004
Hi Nick
can you send me details
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 3 March 2004
Hi Len
Can do, will send some snail mail, details are on web site under pads systems, however the glossy is nicer.
Best regards Nick
Posted by peter_collins (peter_collins), 3 March 2004
Hi Nick, you said earlier that "Super pads charly does not require laundering because no soil bonds to the pads"
where does the soil from the carpet end up then?
cheers, Pete.
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 3 March 2004
As stated the pads are rotated through a clean water only tank/bucket and then squeezed using a ringer the soiled water is left in the bucket, the pad is then re-imersed in the mixed cleaning solution again put through the ringer and then re-used.
Micro splitting chemicals do not leave the normal detergent soil biulders on the pad so the soil does not bond.
Hope this answers
Best regards Nick
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 3 March 2004
I have a hard time calling bonnet cleaning CLEANING?
so I take it you have to clean the water many times
how many sq meters can be cleaned be for rinsing the pad.
sounds like your mopping carpet not cleaning them.
how much dirt is left in the carpet over HWE or OP cotton pad methods.

Posted by Les (Les), 3 March 2004
I've given up trying to work out 'How' Solutions work...I just know it does.
I was cleaning a car the other day and had to clean up some 'Grubby' carpet in the footwells
Rather than get all my gear out I just sprayed the area with solution, agitated it, (Got it really angry)
and then cleaned the area with some wet terry towelling.
Here's the good bit
when I looked at the towelling it was really dirty..
popped it in some clean warm water... 'Hey Presto' Clean cloth again 
Paul Daniels eat yer heart out

P.S. That's another Tenner you owe me Nick !! 
I Know.. I'm cheap !
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 3 March 2004
You could have prayed club soda on the carpet too and had a dirty towel and the cårpet would have looked better too.
Posted by Les (Les), 3 March 2004
Hi Ivar,
any chance of a Free sample.. 
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 3 March 2004
yes any time
My Club soda is fortified with whisky
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 March 2004
What type of whiskey not American I hope.
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 3 March 2004
American Burbon is not so bad
What abooout Canadian whiskey?
I do like Jameson Irish whiskey
The best is Aquavit chased down with Ringnes Norwegian beer.
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 March 2004
I agree American whiskey ant that bad but most small towns out there are dry. Canadian did not know the made it I thought the only made seven up or Candia dry Irish/Scottish very good. Norge haven’t had the pleasure. Been to Munich beer festivals don’t remember too much about that, have you tried some of the Italian, Chinese or Indian beer.
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 4 March 2004
King fisher is a good beer
please leave out the curry
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 4 March 2004
Hi Guys
The reason the towel cleaned so easily was because the soil bond to fibre was shattered by the Micro splitting tendancies of the chemical. If you reduce the size of a soil particle it has little or no adhesion to the fibre making it very easy to remove.
Super Pad Charly contains 5 absorbent sponge foam layers which absorb the soil though the face of the pad holding it until rinsed out in water and put through the ringer. As the rotary machine moves over the carpet the Solution fluid is forced into the carpet by centrifugal force, machine transition over the carpet also causes an up and down movement which effectively produces a squeeze and suction process drawing the soil into the pad,
No it does not work on an OP system
when tested alongside HWE (truck mounted) there was no visable difference in the areas cleaned, however on heavily soiled carpet I would suggest using Super Pad Charly as an addition to extraction as the agitation is maximised.
Best regards Nick
( another long reply Sorry)
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 25 March 2004
Can these pads be used with other chemicals or only Solution?
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 26 March 2004
Hi Steve
They were specifically designed for use with micro splitting chemicals I have not tried them with any other chemicals, a normal detergent chemical would not work as well because the soil would start to bond to the pad , this would reduce the life of the pad.
Best regards Nick
Posted by woodman (woodman), 27 March 2004
What rotary machine are you guys using for the pad and which one is recommended as best?
In normal conditions is any pre-spray used and how long before you have to change the pad/re-charge it with fresh solution?
Is anybody bringing any along to Watford .
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 27 March 2004
Hi Woodman
no prespray necessary recharge as you put it after 25-30meters rpads are rotaed through clean water rinse then re imersed in cleaning solution. pads are 17" 43cm and will fit pretty much any slow speed monoblck machine numatic, taski, truvox orbis, chemspec bonnett machine to name but a few
Not available at watford,
but Demo day now being arranged will keep you informed
Best regards Nick

Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 27 March 2004
Don’t forget to tell me
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 28 March 2004
So you do not need a truck mount or a supper portable just Super Pad Charly and a bonnet buff machine and you are OK for majority of domestics?
Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 28 March 2004
Guess so.
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 28 March 2004
The name reminds me of 'chemdry charlie' the cartoon stile pump up sprayer, I can remember one of my local chemdry franchises got dressed up as it and went around handing out leaflets at a local shoppping centre (god he got some abuse)
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