Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Dirtiest water u have ever usedPosted by simonb (simonb), 12 February 2004
I went out with a mate a few weeks back and at the first house he opened the van doors and started using yesterday's water.
When I commented he told me he once went out with no water as it was raining!
Anyone beat that?
SimonPosted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 12 February 2004
I went out in the rain with no solution on the applicator, did the upstairs windows first, and by the time I was doing the downstairs windows the dirty water had run off the window-sill and landed on my overalls, so I went home with more dirty water than I came out with!
Unfortunately, the water ran into my back pocket and made my barbed wire sandwiches rusty and soggy at the same time
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