Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Whats the value of my present businessPosted by mrgoododds (mrgoododds), 10 August 2003
Having built up a customer base I am now having thoughts of selling ,I,m seeking advice on the worth of my round? I have a lunar monthly customer base of £1200 .This is done on a base of £130 per day per man.I live in suffolk and would appreciate any advice.I only do 10 days per month so it would be a handy add on round. Eric
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 14 August 2003
Hi Eric
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to selling a business - it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay. However, I would have thought that this would be an attractive add-on to other small contract / window cleaners and, fortunately, there are plenty of them about.
If I was looking to make you an offer I would want to know the following:
I'm assuming this is a window cleaning round but is it residential customers, commercial customers or a mixture of both.
How many customers do you have?
Are they all of similar value?
What percentage of your turnover is the largest customer?
How long have you been trading?
Do you do all the work yourself?
MikePosted by mrgoododds (mrgoododds), 14 August 2003
Hi Mike
Thanks for your reply.All my customers are residential and I have 150 cleans per mth averageing out at £8-00 per clean.I recently moved to Felixstowe from Newcastle so the custermer base is quite new in fact its taken me 3 mths to build.I work alone at the moment and clean to a high standard.Having been in the business 10yrs I am very quick and efficient so maybe someone with less expierience couldn,t do the work as quick.I have no idea what to ask down in the south but I did sell my round in the north for £16,000 this was a good round and I averaged lunar monthly £3,200 so I suppose I sold for 5 times the price of the clean .Ps where is the best place to advertise my sale? I appreciate your input thank Mike . Eric Skillen .
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