General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Just starting upPosted by Claire_Bennett (Claire_Bennett), 21 September 2003
Would like to start up own domestic cleaning company, just me to start with but would eventually like to employ cleaners to expand business. I've had quotes for Public Liabilty and Employers Liability Ins which are astronomical, not really worth my while taking people on. Does anyone know a way round this (legal of course!). How do agencies like Molly Maid deal with this?
Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated
Claire Bennett Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 21 September 2003
Dear, claire,if you are staying on your own,you mat want to give the National Federation of Master window cleaners and general cleaners a call 0161 432 8754
they will be able to help you with the insurance!its cheaper,to join the fed costs around £45 per year,thats not bad,you will get your starter pack! trade show evey year which is good and fun at night! ask for any info they will only to pleased to help!
Posted by Claire_Bennett (Claire_Bennett), 21 September 2003
thanks for the advise Terry, I won't mention the name of the company that gave me my last quote but it brought tears to my eyes! I will give this company a ring though, it sounds much more promising. This forum is great, keep up the good work everyone
clairePosted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 21 September 2003
Claire this is a Federation,its not an insurance company,but will get you insurance at a better dael,
because we have nearly 3 thousand members,I am on the board of this federation Posted by Dawn_at_Clean_I.T. (Dawn_at_Clean_I.T.), 26 September 2003
Try AXA!!
I clean computers and for public liability it is around £100 per year.
Good stuff
DawnPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 26 September 2003
If you have not been sorted out yet you could try you can get a online quote from them
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