General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
gum removalPosted by dirkstar (dirkstar), 3 February 2004
what basics would i need if i wanted to add chewing gum removal to my cleaning services?Posted by Les (Les), 3 February 2004
Depends a bit on what you are removing it from... e.g. Carpet, Pavement
Posted by dirkstar (dirkstar), 4 February 2004
pavement use onlyPosted by Duplex_UK (Duplex_UK), 4 February 2004
For chewing gum removal we offer the Gum Go system, which combines vacuumated steam cleaning with special Gum Go chemical.
See for more information.
For a free demonstration call 01227 771276 or email
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