General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Cleaning chemicals direct from manufacturerPosted by stevet (stevet), 28 September 2003
I have spent many years in the chemical trade and am in process of starting out on my own.
I can manufacture virtually every detergent / disinfectant type you can imagine to a very high standard of quality using many years experience to achieve the perfect product to your requirements.
Some examples of product groupings listed below. Within these groups I have around 150 different products.
Hard surface cleaners
Glass cleaners
Floor polish / cleaners
Washing up liquids / machine wash
Oven / toilet cleaners
General janitorial cleaners
Dairy / brewery cleaners
Miscellaneous detergents / cleaners
Traffic film removers / vehicle shampoos / polish
Wax and rinse vehicle products
Variety of vehicle care products
Liquid laundry detergents
Fabric softeners
Fabric cleaners
Carpet / fabric care
liquid soaps / hand gels
variety of metal cleaners
specialist food processing foaming alkaline and acidic detergents & disinfectants
I only propose to make up and deliver small batches to a limited number of customers as I will be continuing in my current job on a part time basis.
If you have a product you want me to look at for you please respond letting me know what you want and what quantity you are prepared to purchase at any one time and I will give you a price and a sample to try as I will make to order. Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 29 September 2003
This may be a silly question but I have to ask anyway!
I presume that any chemical that you blend and supply will come with all the relevant Health and Safety technical data sheets?
It is already mandatory that we carry all the MSDS (Material Safety data sheets) for every chemical that we carry in our vehicles at all times.
I understand that new legislation is going to require 'us', the user, to also prepare and keep an up to date assessment of these products with the MSDS sheets.
More paperwork
Derek Posted by JUSTIN.DAVIS (JUSTIN.DAVIS), 29 September 2003
Hi I am interested in starting out on my own, and would like to find out what is the essential equipment needed to start-up in the cleaning industry...I understand by your e-mail you can get chemical products..Would it be possible if you could contact me on 07950 211 509 or e-mail me on with advice on what equipment will be needed and an estimate price on start-up...If you contacted me I would much appreciate , J.DavisPosted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 29 September 2003
Hi Justin
Welcome to Clean It Up.
You have asked a very broad question and one that I think is unlikely to get a detailed response from any one member.
Have you looked through all the other topics about starting up?
What sort of cleaning are you going to get into? (windows, carpets, office, etc) - nobody will be able to give you an idea of what it will cost unless they have more information.
Do you have any experience in the cleaning industry?
If you have more specific questions please post them in a relevent topic (there are several current topics regarding starting up).
Mike BoxallPosted by stevet (stevet), 29 September 2003
Yes thats correct. I have a rather complex software package that defines the criteria for the MSDS and 16 point SDS supplied with all the products I am able to blend. At the moment I am awaiting the insurance criteria based on my proposition. As soon as I am ready I will let you know as I am gaging the interest on here at the moment. Steve on 09/29/03 at 06:15:46, Derek Bolton wrote:This may be a silly question but I have to ask anyway!
I presume that any chemical that you blend and supply will come with all the relevant Health and Safety technical data sheets?
It is already mandatory that we carry all the MSDS (Material Safety data sheets) for every chemical that we carry in our vehicles at all times.
I understand that new legislation is going to require 'us', the user, to also prepare and keep an up to date assessment of these products with the MSDS sheets.
More paperwork
Derek Posted by arc_cleaning (arc_cleaning), 29 September 2003
stevet im interested in your products if the price is right can u send info to there is one that iv been looking for called expel smells like bubble gum. pink in colour 25 ltr if poss im in s/yorkshire plz put arc cleaning in subject when u send e mail or i will think its spam and deleat it thanks andyPosted by arc_cleaning (arc_cleaning), 30 September 2003
stevet im still waiting for your reply can u suppy me with expel and in what area are u basedPosted by HGRODGERS (HGRODGERS), 14 October 2003
I hope to start up an Office Cleaning operation very soon, and would be very interested in knowing what you could supply that would be relevant to this. Also, could you supply me with COSHH data sheets for your products pretty quickly? Posted by Perry_White (Perry_White), 6 November 2003
only problem I cansee here is one of product continuity as only 'small batches' - a realtive term anyway - are to be produced. The smaller the batch size the more difficult to be precise in the mix - especially of dyes and colourants. Posted by houseangels (houseangels), 6 November 2003
I am looking for a strong bio degradable oven cleaner
What can you suggest?
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