Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Do you get asked this?
Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 24 February 2004
I have now lost count of jobs where I have turned up to clean carpets as arranged and the customer asks......
Could you go over these couple of rugs afterwards ??
I think I must have a well rehearsed speach now to explain the difference in cleaning solutions and techniques.
Sorry to share with you but it seems to be happening alot lately

On a positive note though, I usually get the extra business to go back and clean the rugs at a later date

Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 24 February 2004
I know what you mean.........it was 2 sofas today
just as i had packed away my machine after cleaning all carpets in 4 bedrooms, T/Lounge and 3 floors of H/S/L 
Some people................................. going back next week to do sofas plus 2 large rugs
Would have been a blinding day if she had planned it properly.
Posted by Les (Les), 25 February 2004
I Agree,
we all appreciate the extra business but....
I think part of the reason is it's only once the customer is able to see how good your work is that they want to give you the extra work.
Or could it be that the rugs now look so bad on top of the nice clean carpet that they feel obliged to get them cleaned. 
I have mentioned this in previous posts, but there is a 'Magic'
word that customers use when giving you additional work and that is.. "JUST" which of course is customer speak meaning, "It'll only take you 5 minutes to set up all that equipment again, that you've just put in your van, and clean these 3 12'x12' Persian rugs". "and I won't expect to pay much extra either"! 
Don' yer just love em
Posted by woodman (woodman), 25 February 2004
Along the same lines,
Turned up today to inspect and clean carpets at a new build 6 bedroom,5 bathroom property.
It has been a show home complete with all furniture,pianos,tables,sofas the lot.
Now they have been removed they wanted the pressure marks removed to best possible.
Lovely little job I though until I got there today the house has been cleared and the designers now ask, 'can you clean all the carpets through out'.
Under normal circumstances if booked in yes and spend most of the day there carrying it out but other work already booked in meant it couldn't be done today so they want it done by Friday
instead as people are moving in.
Pain in the a*se or what but too big to turn down
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