Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Terms & conditions of servicePosted by carpetmas5 (carpetmas5), 14 November 2003
Do any of you have terms & conditions of service if so can any one let me have a copy? Also at which stage of working for your customer do you let your customer have a copy? If you have a copy you can Fax me 01258 863897 or email. Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 14 November 2003
In light of your experiences Martin, I'm thinking of printing out some health and safety guidelines on the back of my A4 wet slippy floor signs. I've never warned people in the past to beware of slippy carpets, but I think that that is now called for too. I'll be able to put as much info on this as I like and update it as necessary. I can give it to the customer and ask them to sign on the job sheet that they have recieved, read and understood the document.
Just as an aside, I've used a freshwater rinse with both OneStep and Spitfire Advanced. It is immediately obvious walking from the freshly cleaned carpet onto a hard floor that a detergent rinse is slippier underfoot than a freshwater rinse.
Safe and happy cleaning
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