General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
How did you start?Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 5 January 2004
For all you cpmmercial office cleaning companies.
When you first started your business how did you go about getting work?
Cold calling? Leaflets? etc etc
Did you target Industrial estates? Did you send (post) out sales letters?
Also that first all important job how did you calculate how much to charge?Posted by tracey (tracey), 5 January 2004
everyone is differ'nt areas vary, my most money invested with a return was the yellow pages most people say that that does not work but it worked for me.
The another way i have used is join the local chamber of commerce good investment (small charge) as they recomend you for any work in your field in your area, if you want to email me i might be able to help you with charges but area's and jobs do vary
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