Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Bishops Marketing ManualPosted by Londoner (Londoner), 19 October 2003
There is a manual marketed on several of the American websites called Bishops Managemement and Marketing Manual.
It is apparantly a big thick folder with lots of good stuff in it about all sorts of aspects of carpet cleaning from the marketing side.
The bad news is that it costs about 100 quid.
Now I have seen carpet cleaners in America and we could learn a lot from them about how they do business.
Has anyone seen the manual and is it any good?Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 19 October 2003
Hi Mr Londoner
Geoff Bishop has written many books on carpet cleaning which are excellent. I have his carpet cleaning books (2 volumes) his upholstery book and also his spotting book
I have to admit to buying them in the States at a show where Geoff gave me a good discount.
Derek Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 19 October 2003
I think I've seen every marketing pack going, squid, Joe Polish, Ron Mayer, Nuways big book of marketing etc they range in price from £80 to £3,000.
they are worth the money only if you use them. but I've found the same information available alot cheaper.
I think the most important thing to remember in marketing is to know how much you are spending to get a customer, if you send out 200 sales letter which cost £10 to print and £52 in stamps. if this brings in 3 customers they have cost you aprox £21 each. if you know how much it cost to get a customer with all your different marketing stratagies then you know the best way to spend your money.
I know this last bit is slightly off the subject , but it so important I thought I'd mention it
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