Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
CFR Combo Tool v Kleenrite Upholstery Tool Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 13 October 2003
Any thoughts considering the vast difference in price
Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 13 October 2003
Before I say anything I know that upholstery tools are a matter of personal taste and I am sure we cannot all agree on shich is best. However, I feel qualified to comment because I have owned both of these tools and used them extensively. Some years ago I gave my kleenrite tool away to a fellow carpet cleaner because it was not as good as the PMF and prochem tool I was also using at that time. However in the end all of my extensive upholstery tool collection has been sidelined by the CFR tool. It is now the only tool I clean upholstery with. Very versatile, dry as you want it and wil last for a lifetime. It does however work better at higher pressures (truck nount).
NigelPosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 14 October 2003
Hi Nigel
I thought I was the only meglomaniac as far as collecting kit was concerned
Like yourself I have collected a wonderful selection of upholstery hand tools over the years including both of those mentioned in the original post.
I concur with you and currently the CFR handtool is my first choice.
It pushes more solution through the fabric but leaves it much dryer....this is due to the angled jets. There are other low moisture hand tools working on the 'angle' principle but they do not have the jet selection which CFR does.
The Cleanrite handtool... the 'Rolls Royce' of handtools for years works well however the jets angle down (as do most other handtools) injecting solution into the fabric AND interior stuffers and fillings... you have to be aware of this fact.
DerekPosted by bodman52 (bodman52), 25 October 2003
CFR the way to go .we have used 7 others and now I sleep with my CFR at nite just will not let it out of my site. The new version is more user friendly ( the angle of trigger causes less fatigue,)bodmanPosted by Glynn (Glynn), 25 October 2003
I had a CFR combo tool, but couldn't get along with it, due to the position of the trigger and also the length between valve and head. I sent it back.
Personaly I think they are ergonomicaly inncorrect, if they were to re design it - ie shorter etc I would buy another.
The principle however is excellent.
Glynn.Posted by lee_gundry (lee_gundry), 25 October 2003
i now have 2 cfr.
excellent choice.
Lee G
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