Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
hello everyonePosted by cleaner_carpets (cleaner_carpets), 31 March 2004
hi everyone
just signed on to clean it up for the first time and i am in the middle of starting uo a new business i intend to call myself CLEANER CARPETS. ( hope i'm not offending anyone) i am based in Barmouth north wales. does anyone have any tips for me ? all advice will be greatfully received . Many thanks
davePosted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 31 March 2004
Hi Dave,
Welcome to the forum and the industry.
I am sure that many here will be willing to offer help and advice if you request is more specific.
For such a general query I would offer just two tips;
1) Read through the past posts, as many others starting in business have asked questions and received advice which will apply equally to yourself.
2) MOVE - it gets realy cold where you live
John.Posted by cleaner_carpets (cleaner_carpets), 31 March 2004
thanks for your quick reply john yes it does get cold but it is great to live by the sea in the summer. I am starting to read through the past forums and finding them very interesting. Are there any fotrh coming events or shows in the near future . i am buying a truck mount do you think it is the best way to go?
davePosted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 31 March 2004
In a word if you can afford a Truck mount, yes.Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 31 March 2004
But and a BIG BUT, get your marketing right before you invest your hard earned or borrowed cash.Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 31 March 2004
Follow John’s advise
LenPosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 1 April 2004
My advice, for what its worth, is to book yourself on to the next NCCA (National Carpet Cleaners Association) two day training course.
Contact the NCCA on Tel: 0116 2719550
Best wishes
DerekPosted by cleaner_carpets (cleaner_carpets), 2 April 2004
thanks dereck
i have applied to go on the ncca course in may also i am going on prochem's 2 day carpet cleaning and their 1 day upholstery cleaning and 1 day sales course. Hopefully these will be enough to get me going i would appreciate your thoughts or advice if you know of any other course which you might think would benifit me. As said before i am setting up with a hydramaster boxxer t/m what do you think?
dave cleaner carpets
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