Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Your views on the RX 20
Posted by woodman (woodman), 8 January 2004
How many cleaners use the RX20?
It looks a very heavy cumbersome piece of equipment that is more suited to commercial truck mount work rather than domestic.
Is there an attachment for upholstery?
and what did it cost you and from where?
Posted by Glynn (Glynn), 8 January 2004
There is not an attachment for upholstery.
They are feather light in operation.
They are ONLY suited to TM use in my opinion, and even then a large blower type unit.
They are available from HM Ltd.
They cost £2500 + vat.
Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 8 January 2004
Hi Woodman,
I bought one some years ago. Glyn is right they are light to use and only for truckmounts, However they are cumbersome to get on and off the van etc. I sold mine for several reasons:-
It was too aggressive for the type of carpets I typically clean. e.g. wool carpeting with seams and borders.
It wasn't any faster than a wand
It sometimes left bad swirl marks in the carpet that were very difficult to remove
I felt it left the carpets wetter if you didn't do lots of slow dry passes which further reduced productivity.
You still needed a wand to do corners etc.
In its defence it does provide a deeper clean on trashed carpet tile but that wasn't a large part of my business.
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