Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Thanks to A&MPosted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 31 March 2004
I am sure I will not be the last to express my thanks to all at A&M of Watford for their generous hospitality in hosting todays' meeting. Thanks also to Woodman and Nigel for organising the event.
I am sure that all who attended will have found it both entertaining and informative - it is just a shame that it was so well attended that there was not the time to meet everyone present .............. But at least I met the other (younger) Bolton twin.
John.Posted by Happyeater (Happyeater), 31 March 2004
Ditto, well worth the journey down.
Thanks for the welcome and generous hospitality.
Good to see some old friends too. Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 31 March 2004
I agree with you, the day was VERY good........must do it again
Is it me? .....or does anyone else hear DUELLING BANJO's when they see' the Bolton twins' Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 31 March 2004
Not banjos - it was our hip replacements acting up
John.Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 31 March 2004
What a wonderfully rerlaxed, informative and entertaining day. New faces to names I've seen many times. Many colleagues met again who I would now like to call friends. Some smart vans parked outside (I was impressed Phil). My only regret is that I never got to spend some time with some great people I would like to chat with.
A big thankyou to Nigel and Woodman for organising a great day out, and a thankyou and big round of applause for everyone at A&M. What fabulous hosts they are, and such terrific people to do business with.
Safe and happy cleaning
KenPosted by des (des), 31 March 2004
Yes a big thanks to all for a great day out and it just goes to show that if you are willing to put yourself out a bit .Im talking about the hosts for the day . i went to watford looking for a new portable machine as another company were not willing to bend a bit and demo the all new machine .Just to say i would not put them on my A list or that i will ever call the A team again W hen i asked for a demo this company said that there was no profit in a demo on one machine. what about the future
many thanks to all des
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