Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Office Cleaner is 'Carpet Virgin'!Posted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 3 February 2004
Dear All
I have been running an office cleaning business for three years, t/o 40,000 a year and I've never cleaned a carpet. Don't know the first thing about it either!
Don't get me wrong this isn't a boast....from reading this site I'm beginning to realise I may be missing out.
But where to start? I need 1. A machine 2. A good training course.
I'd really appreciate your recommendations.
Many thanks
heritagecleaning@breathemail.netPosted by Northerclean (Alex), 3 February 2004
I'd say your first port of call would be the NCCA course and then you can decide what machine you want. It's well worth the money.
Fair play at your t/o, managing a business is much better than running a business in my eyes.
AlexPosted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 3 February 2004
My recommendation before you look at any machine, call the NCCA and learn about carpet cleaning 1st this way you get not only the correct info on different method/materials but also credibility, don’t just jump in it and buy a machine and do the manufactures train course (good as they are it’s only the basics cc but you will know the machine)
If your are running the business and not doing the cleaning then take the person who will with you on the course.
LenPosted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 4 February 2004
If you don't know the first thing about carpet cleaning, how do you know if you want to do it. You may invest in all the beaut gear and training and then find you hate it.
You may want to update your profile to let us know where you are located. I would suggest that before you get too far along the track, you go out with a pro cleaner and see what and how things are done.
JimPosted by heritagecleaning (heritagecleaning), 4 February 2004
Good point I suppose, but then I don't love office cleaning! It's a business and it pays my mortgage. If doing carpets can make me more money then I could live with not liking it.
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