Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
HELP! I'm A Carpet Cleaner Get Me Out Of HerePosted by woodman (woodman), 29 January 2004
Couldn't get 100 mts down the road today,
bloody gritters been out too early or too late,
wrong kind of snow,wrong kind of grit whatever.
Caught out ,they reckon by sudden drop of temperature
If they had rang me last night I would have told them it was cold
Will have to wait till this afternoons thaw now and let nature takes its course Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 29 January 2004
Maybe living on the edge of the capital does have it's advantages
Our local gritters have admitted that the salt they use is not effective below -5 CHEAPSKATES
Posted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 29 January 2004
Geez, what's snow?
35 degrees C and 85% RH here today....more of the same tomorrow.. Very uncomfortable...
JimPosted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 29 January 2004
Hop on a plane over to Franco's next week Jim. I'll be a few doors away from him. I'm not a drinker but a Pepsi should melt the ice.
Safe and happy cleaning
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