Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
biro on leatherPosted by brucie (brucie), 26 November 2003
Do you guys know of a product to remove biro from a leather suite?I have tried Prochem leather cleaner but no luck.Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 26 November 2003
you can not remove ink from leather
stevePosted by Musicman (Musicman), 26 November 2003
Not true. My lad (3) got ball point pen on my leather suite and I was given a product which got rid of all of it straight away.
Sadly I couldn't tell you what it was, but this may give you hope.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 27 November 2003
Hi Brucie
Try Multimaster on 08700 133266 they do a 'full' range of leather care and repair products including ink removers
DerekPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 27 November 2003
Try your local Chemspec dealer I had one last week and they were very helpful saved the womans suite Posted by brucie (brucie), 27 November 2003
many thanks,
I'll let you know how I get on
BruciePosted by MB (Mark Betts), 27 November 2003
Hi Steve :-
Hows Tricks?
How much did u pay for that leather course !!!
speak later
MarkPosted by LTT (LTT), 27 November 2003
Biro can be cleaned from leather but care must be taken to understand the type of leather you are dealing with and how far each different treatment will work.
For any technical information on leather repair please telephone us on 01423 881027 and we will be happy to help.
We also run courses every month on cleaning and leather repair if you are interested.Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 27 November 2003
Who's products do you recommend or do you have your own?
Mike BoxallPosted by Paul_Elliott (Paul_Elliott), 27 November 2003
What type of Leather are you cleaning?
There are ways of removing Ink but you have to very carefull and know what you are doing so as not to damage the Leather.
Take up LTT's advice and give them a call.
Paul.Posted by woodman (woodman), 27 November 2003
G'day Bruce,
Have you tried a white soft eraser
Have you tried spraying hairspray on a terry towel and lightly rubbing.
Get a pre understanding first Posted by LTT (LTT), 28 November 2003
Do be careful hairspray can damage leather. Solvent based products will damage the finish on pigment leather and may remove colour. On aniline it could make the problem much worse. It really is best to get some technical advise before you tackle anything like this.
We are Multimasters technical resource centre and supply Multimaster/Leathermaster products.
JudyPosted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 3 December 2003
I have got blue biro out of cream leather sofa with VASELINE Smeared onto 8 inch line and left for 3-5 minutes, ink soaked into vaseline and i wiped away a big blue slug shaped lump of grease. 100%gone with no side effects but must add that i tried out of sight first so as not to leave grease stain or remove any dye. May take dye/pigment out of darker leather
Posted by LTT (LTT), 4 December 2003
Vaseline is not a tried and researched product for leather. It can cause major problems if used on any other leather than a heavily pigmented and protected leather.
We recommend that you only use products that have been specifically designed for leather and get as much information as you can on the different types of leather and finishes so that you are always aware of the limits of what you can do.
JudyPosted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 4 December 2003
Never assume what works on one item will work as well anywhere else Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 5 December 2003
I currently use the von schrader machine to clean leather but ive just sold it and im look for some easy to use products to use on leather suites.
I have also used chemspec leather cleaner.Posted by LTT (LTT), 5 December 2003
Yes we do have a web site [/url][url] What you will see is our consumer information but we have afull range of products for technicians. Please telephone us on 01423 881027 if you would like us to send you information
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