Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Ultrasonic cleaning/transducersPosted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 1 March 2004
Anyone ever heard of any ultrasonic cleaning equipment.
I work in electronics at the moment and i use ultrasonics in our cleaning bath systems , its come into my head it could be feasable to mount a transducer to a handtool to create high frequency agitation as you passed the tool along the fabric.
I might try to get hold of a transducer if i can and try it out , just wondereed if anyone had heard of this sort of thing. or even tried it out over the years.Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 1 March 2004
The only currently applied application in our industry that I am aware of is the ultrasonic blind cleaning baths.
The blinds are immersed for quite some time, which would sugest that for your idea to work the tool would have to be moved at sub-snail pace.
Still, keep thinking you could come up with a winner.
John.Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 1 March 2004
Cheers John , just a thought but never know, ill have a root round our old scrap bahs at work and see whats lying around.
Who knows at least i might be able to invent the most heavy handtool for carpet cleaners yet
Invented my own cfr type handtool the other day by ripping a chunk off one of my plastic handtools on a gripper rod my airflow increased raipidly
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 1 March 2004
Those plastic hand tools are not exactly industrial strength.
If it's the one with the transparent throat, they do have their uses - the wide slot is useful when cleaning hefty rug fringes.
John.Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 1 March 2004
they are not very well made but its the one that got me started (Bit sad it broke actually ), i do like being able to see whats coming up though nice having a window.
i just found this place site , you fellas might alrady know about it but good for newby lots of nice piccies on each item.
Prices dont seem to bad either. by woodman (woodman), 2 March 2004
Hi Alex
Ultrasonics is used extensively in the Fire restoration industry and is a great at quickly cleaning items that otherwise would take lots of man hours.
It is also used in the cleaning of blinds which is in the main carried out in the US.
The main problem is the cost as these machines work out very expensive.Posted by Ed_Valentine (Ed Valentine), 2 March 2004
Ultrasonics (presently) is too slow in regards to as a cleaning process for this industry.
It was tried in the early 8o's and fizzled about as fast as it takes to Demo. (Steamex was the US manufacturer)
In fact, I clearly remember the con-job that a group of representatives used to show "how well" (ya, sure) this new machine worked at a trade show where our booths were side by side. Embrassing to say the least!
Well, at least that's the truth.
Good Fortune to all;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.
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