General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Why are you in the cleaning industry?
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 15 November 2003
Why have we decided to have a business or work in an industry cleaning other peoples dirt.?
Is it for Job satisfaction.
Market Opportunity
Possible low start up costs/
Adverts by Franchise Companies suppliers.
Alreay working in Industry
Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 15 November 2003

Becuse of law ( he because I’m foreign to stay legally in this county i need to open a business
Ha ha
To be honest because my wife done cleaning for some one else for 2 years, a we decided we can do better.
We do 1off, and regular domestic.
Also planing to expand in new market but this is a secret

So the business is 4 months old and is going well.
Start up cost 1000£ for all the papers form Home Office, another 1000£ for flayers, vacuum cleaner etc...
It is good business (like lots of them) if you work your ass off

AtoZ Clean
Good Luck

Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 16 November 2003
Hi Adam.
Thats funny because when I was in Canada three years ago in our ranch house with its own riding facilities and 9 hole golf course, bear in the basement, {animal Type) the thought went through my mind to start a cleaning company so that I could stay in the country.
Only trouble was I was 6000 miles away from home.
Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 17 November 2003

Hi, i know, but Poland is not a Canada.I have my own bussines there and after 3 years i give up (mobile phones).I came to London to stay 3 months
and is 3 years now

Is not to fare 1.5h on the airplane.
Good Luck
AtoZ C
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 18 November 2003
I think most people get into the cleaning industry because it can be a low cost entry business and, generally, hard work is something most people are prepared to do when they start on their own. They may be working for another contractor and think they can do it better and / or cheaper than the company they work for and pinching a couple of contracts is all they need to start.
Once they start getting more contracts and staff and they realise they aren't charging enough their prices start to go up. This is when one of their cleaners then thinks they can do it better and / or cheaper and the whole cycle starts again.
I think this is one of the key reasons why the cleaning industry is in the state it is - there are just too many contractors out there who don't realise the hidden costs of running a cleaning company until it's too late!
What do others here think?
Mike Boxall
Posted by petra (petra), 19 November 2003
Shame some of the customer do not understand all the hidden costs...
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 19 November 2003
I think Mike is right. When i started 18 years ago it was the low entry cost that attracted me. I knew that if you wanted to earn serious money that i would need a business of my own.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 20 November 2003
Yes Steve it was the desire to remain self employed after my retail business went belly up, and the low start up costs.
I have found that although the start up costs might be low cost of additional equipment, marketing transport training etc can become high.
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 29 November 2003
When i was a lad (16 on a yts) ment to be an office job dealing with import and export paperwork i was sent to workin the stores when, this on chargehand said i wasint sweeping the floor properly.
So this old chap went on to show me how to sweep a floor.
And so that stuck with me 12 years later i started a cleaning company.
The END.

Posted by petra (petra), 2 December 2003
I started because I enjoy cleaning...went into a partner ship ( and it sank fast) so hubby pushed me into going it alone...and now I run a small but successfull company and I still clean loo's too.
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