Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Getting Barbecue grease off of glass?Posted by recs (recs), 10 October 2003
as a relative new boy has anyone got some good advice for removing grime from greasy windows.
I have a number of punters who have had their bbq's set up near windows and greasy deposits have formed on their windows. I have used a scourer sponge but it doesnot do a great job and still leaves lots of smears , etc. I am currently using Ungers cleaning solution and I am impressed compared to the old Fairy. Can anyone help please ??Posted by matt (matt), 10 October 2003
a good question that
i wouldnt mind knowing aswell
just been out collecting and some1 just asked me why 2 windows are still dirty (down and up-stairs under the BBQ) i explained i spent 5 mins on each window and i had no joy because of the grease
they understood
then i called on some1 else, who said £11 every other month was too much for her 4 bed house with conserv (dont do 3 windows at rear because cannot get to them), so she canceled me , been a bad night really Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 12 October 2003
BBQ near glass very bad I have had a few like this, this year and they ended up burning the hell out of their glass looked like brown blobs on glass when I get them off noticed they were little chips. A big NO
I am a great lover off ammonia will break down grease with no problems theirs also bleach, Sugar soaps.
But I always hit with ammonia up to you though.
Been trying GG4 for a couple of weeks thats quite good but not sure what it is like on its own with grease.
AlanPosted by fez (fez), 12 October 2003
on 10/10/03 at 20:50:57, matt wrote:then i called on some1 else, who said £11 every other month was too much for her 4 bed house with conserv (dont do 3 windows at rear because cannot get to them), so she canceled me , been a bad night really
I think that you're better off without. I've said on here before that some people in the larger houses do not want to pay the going rate. I bet you could do 3 small houses at seven quid each in the same amount of time.
I have some small detached bungalows that take 15 minutes for which I get 7 pounds each for. I also have detached four beds that take nearly an hour and I receive £10. Which would you drop first? Exactly! Posted by The_Fed_Man (The_Fed_Man), 12 October 2003
To remove BBQ grease use oven cleaner.
Spray on, wet down then squeegee off.
It works like a dream!Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 14 October 2003
how about brillo industrial strength degreaser. This stuff is the dogs !
Get it from your local professional supplier.Posted by Rick (Rick), 14 October 2003
i'll tell you what else is extremely difficult to get off windows........what about rendering??!! that stuff's a damb nightmare!!!!Posted by taffy_2 (taffy_2), 12 January 2004
TRY spraying brillo kitchen cleaner and wait a few seconds and watch the grease run
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