General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
hard floor price helpPosted by MB (Mark Betts), 17 February 2004
Just completed a job for a factory cleaning the first floor carpets. 2 days work, tonight just before i finished the boss asked me to "scrub" a very small area on hard floor.
So being an obligin chap and as my rotary was out anyway i did it for him no charge.
Then after he saw the resuilt preceded to take me on a tour of the factory pointing out all the loos etc etc and asking for a quote on scrubbiung the floors and applying a layer of polish.
This company ha snust been taken over and they are getting everything ship shape for the big cheese to come and vsit.
Anyway i want to know how much to charge them. Basically i was going to rotary scrub the floor and add one coat of Prochem Proshine.
How much a square foot whoops sorry metre should i charge.
Alko i used my low speed rotary tonight but i also have a 400rmp rotary couod i use this instead, i am thinking it would be quicker??
PS I Got to hand the quote in tomorrow afternoon.Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 17 February 2004
Hi Mark
I know a local contractor who prices at 95p per square metre but I guess it depends on a number of factors. It won't be particularly profitable it it's all 6m toilet areas and you have to scrub round the toilets though!? 5 ltrs of proshine will do about 250m per cost so the cost of that is insignificant.
The low speed machine will be much better than the higher speed.
MikePosted by MB (Mark Betts), 17 February 2004
Thanks for the speedy reply Mike.
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