Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Dry fusion restoration brushPosted by allencarpetclean (allencarpetclean), 18 January 2004
Has any of you dry fusion operators got one of these brushes & what do you think of them?
Ive been using dry fusion for some time and im considering purchasing one, any feedback would be appriciated
BobPosted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 18 January 2004
Fantastic I'd get 1 if I were you!
ShaunPosted by allencarpetclean (allencarpetclean), 18 January 2004
Shaun how often do you use it? on what do you use it?, is it abit rough on certain carpets sorry for all the questions just getting an idea as to how & when i would use it
Regards BobPosted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 18 January 2004
Well realistically anything that is
a. suitable
b. it has to be a piled carpet as low profile it's not too good, some carpet tiles
remember to turn the heat off when you use it and it is very good at raising the pile on a carpet.
PS I TM most domestic jobs but df where neccasary but it depends on a few things realistical commercial jobs it was made for.Posted by clive (clive), 18 January 2004
no. I haven`t got one.
Clive.Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 18 January 2004
Clive I thought you had texa therm?
If you get the opertunity give me a call
ShaunPosted by allencarpetclean (allencarpetclean), 18 January 2004
Same old Clive.......Sold your bane clene yet?
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