Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
bonnet mop cleaning equip
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 13 December 2003
What equipment would i need and where is the best place to get it 
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 13 December 2003
i am a distributor for the op machine and will have a delivery from the usa next year. the op machine will i belive clean carpets better and quicker than a rotary

Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 13 December 2003
What is required is a low-speed rotary with gripper plate, some form of bonnet and a suitable spraying device to apply the chemical.
I have found Victor rotaries to be reliable but there are many alternative makes.
Types of bonnet include:
The cotton bonnet, which has a large capacity and looks somewhat like a circular mop-head.
The mico-fibre bonnet which has less capacity but is claimed to be more efficient at soil removal.
Also a number of hybrid variations on the above.
The chemical used can be a specifically formulated product such a Prochem Bonnet Buff or one of the micro splitter products.
As to where to buy, you could shop on price alone but it is probably better if you have an established relationship with a trusted and knowledgable supplier to seek their advice. You could do far worse than to have a chat with Mike at Express Cleaning Supplies, as he does seem to know his arm from his elbow 
(Please Mr Admin., don't delete that last bit
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 13 December 2003
on 12/13/03 at 18:54:57, carpetmonsters wrote:hi i am a distributor for the op machine and will have a delivery from the usa next year. the op machine will i belive clean carpets better and quicker than a rotary steve |
Steve "believe" !!!! its a fact we proved it lol
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 13 December 2003
on 12/13/03 at 18:54:57, carpetmonsters wrote:hi i am a distributor for the op machine and will have a delivery from the usa next year. the op machine will i belive clean carpets better and quicker than a rotary steve |
Can you send me some details about the system?
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 14 December 2003
Like John. I've had superb service from Victor. OK, they are a local company to me and, buying cash and carry I can get a minimum of 30% off list. Ex demo are occasionally available too. Reliability over the 20 years or so I've had the machine is 100%. A rotary is probably the most versatile and useful machines in your cleaning arsenal. Apart from bonnet cleaning, you can agitate pre-sprays, spray clean, work in protectors, strip vinyl, shampoo and bonnet dry. Probably other uses too. There are several different styles of machine. I prefer the set up as per the Victor Sprite 400/450 where the motor is more or less centrally located. Some designs are off set to one side.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 14 December 2003
hi ken
with a op machine you can do all of the above and more. also can be used on twist pile carpets
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 14 December 2003
hi mark
i know the op does abetter job but did not like to say so. will be demoing early next year
Posted by Robert_O (Robert_O), 14 December 2003
Is this the oscillating pad which is being demonstrated at the NCCA Midlands Branch meeting on Wed Jan/21/04 held in Nottingham?
I am not certain, but I think these meetings are open to non members as well if anyone is interested. You would need to check with the NCCA, or perhaps Derek Bolton might be able to give a reply to clarify this. It would be nice to see more people there on the night.
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 14 December 2003
Hi Steve
Tell it like it is hahahah the post can only be deleted.
What are you using with it still one step??
Posted by carpetmonsters (carpetmonsters), 14 December 2003
the answear is yes to one step and yes to the ncca
Posted by Paul_Elliott (Paul_Elliott), 14 December 2003

I was impressed with the OP Machine.
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 16 December 2003
on demo at the midlands meeting will be the Charly pad a revolutionary pad front faced with carpet fibre and backed with 5 absorbent layers for maximum agitation with minimal adverse effect to the actual carpet fibre world wide patent has just been awarded, the good news is you only need 2 pads available form solution Ltd
cheers Nick
Posted by lee_gundry (lee_gundry), 16 December 2003
if i left a hallway looking like that after i had cleaned it,i would be out of business.
i think a littel more prespray & agitation wouldn,t go a miss by the 2 doors & lower hallway entrance.
Lee G
Posted by Paul_Elliott (Paul_Elliott), 16 December 2003
Lee I must have missed that bit. 
Posted by martin (martin), 22 December 2003
15" victor sprite and europa rotaries,low med high and super speed inc drive board,3 yrs old good condition
solution tanks and brushes available £140+vat
martin 07798 573888
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 23 December 2003
Hi Guys and gals
The NCCA Branch meeting is open to non-members.. you will need to book early as I have a feeling there is going to be a great deal of interest.
Contact the NCCA office for details...tel: 0116 2719550
Posted by des (des), 24 December 2003
Has any one heard of the rich south . We have carpetcleaners down here and we are busy just like the carpetcleaners up north so how much would it cost to put this equipment in a van and drive down south to demo to us southerners . I hope are money is still the pound and not the euro. I can provide a venue free if it was held in salisbury and i am looking at the op system
e/mail me at desrynne@hotmail if you think its a go and i could get some numbers des at mister clean
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