Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
O.A.P, Yuppies, Dinkies etcPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 2 November 2003
Have any of you broken down what your average customer is?
out of 14 customers I did this this week 10 of them where 'retired persons' ( they hate been called OAP's) and as I think back most weeks are like this.
I don't know if this is because I offer a 10% OAP discount on all my marketing.
This suits me down to the ground because I get on really well with older customers and they always love me, so tell all their friend what a nice man I am
MikePosted by MB (Mark Betts), 2 November 2003
majority "Retired Persons"
I too like workin for them cos they are so grateful and always recommend you to their friend.
Also my partner is happy that most of my clients are Oap's cos shes paranoid about me being propositioned hahahahahhahahaha.
Chance would be afine thing (not by the ol biddies I might add lol)
I find the younger people are more used to our throwaway society and would rather buy a new suite etc on buy now pay september and interest free for 4 years than have their suite cleaned.
Also if you are cleaniing a suite for a retired person you can betcha its a draylon which suits me fine!!!!! Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 2 November 2003
That is an excellent point Mike, I'm starting my survey on that one today.
Dave.Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 2 November 2003
The majority of mine are OAPS this suits me fine as they are usually available when you want them.
I find younger customers argue about price.Posted by BeeClean (BeeClean), 2 November 2003
Maybe oaps are just dirtier and soil their carpets more often Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 2 November 2003
Just one OAP this week, the rest were mainly young housewives and a few middle aged people as well. But it does vary from week to week.
FintanPosted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 2 November 2003
oaps spend more time in the home hence the more soiled carpets Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 2 November 2003
Don't forget that OAPs have the best biscuits
I don't think Yuppies exist anymore but Dinkies ( double income, no kids) are a big growing market, but I don't like them because they always want you to work weekends and evening.
Another thing about OAPs is they live in bungalows so the work is easy, I can blast out a 2 bed bungalow in 90mins
MikePosted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 2 November 2003
And there allways baking cakes, i love the oap's!! Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 3 November 2003
I take in all the points raised and Yes, many of my customers are 'mature' in age.
One thing to remember if your client base is made up with a majority in this may find the clientbase continually dwindling. This is sadly due to deaths, moving into residential homes, moving in with family.
Don't forget all those mince pies now we are getting near to Christmas....plays havoc with the waistline.
DerekPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 3 November 2003
As I understand it the pensioner poulation is actually growing and there will not be enough workers to support them in their trips to spain etc.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 4 November 2003
the reason you need to know who your customers are is because it helps you write your marketing more effectively.
OAPs have different priorities, what is unimportant to a young person can make a vast differance to an OAP eg they cannot move any furniture so in your marketing its important to stress that you'll move and replace all furniture.
Some OAPs are vunerable and weary of strangers, if possible intreduce yourself to the local Age Concern and ask them to reccomend you. mention in your marketing material you're regestered with Age Concern.
MikePosted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 4 November 2003
That is a good tip yet again Mike.
Our Social Service Dept operate s a list of aproved tradesmen
Im not sure what the criteria is as I meant to phone them up but did not.
As Mark says I should get a Thing to do Chart.
On Boards like this we can all kick each other into action
IanPosted by poolking (poolking), 4 November 2003
mmmmmmmmmmmm mince pies !!!
yummy!! i LOVE OAP'S ( but not literally you understand
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