Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Hi-ForcePosted by Glynn (Glynn), 24 March 2004
Anyone tried Prochems new pre-spray "Hi Force" yet ?
I have used a few kilos of it in the past few days and find it OK, apart from the inherent prochem stock mixing incapabitities Any further comments?.
Glynn Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 25 March 2004
Hi Glynn,
No I have not tried it - is it a new chemical with a new purpose in life? or a replacement for an existing pre-spray?
NigelPosted by Glynn (Glynn), 25 March 2004
Its a replacement for enyme prespray.
GlynnPosted by pre-vac_Nick (HolmansUKLTD), 25 March 2004
Is it as good as enzyme prespray?
i found that stuff pretty good on chinese resturants
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