Buy and sell used equipment here - Carpet cleaners, vacuums, scrubber dryers, rotaries, etc.
sebo vacuumPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 25 November 2003
vs36 brand new still boxed £270 pm me if your interestedPosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 25 November 2003
This is a joke, i have my for 199+ vat from
Sebo BS36 Twin Motor Commercial Upright
and free postage.
AtoZ clean
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 26 November 2003
on 11/25/03 at 22:25:15, A_to_Z_Clean wrote:
This is a joke, i have my for 199+ vat from
Sebo BS36 Twin Motor Commercial Upright
and free postage.
AtoZ clean
No joke there in black and white Manufacturers Trade Price is £295.00 plus VAT looks like i won't be selling this Posted by woodman (woodman), 26 November 2003
Just goes to show Steve you have to do your homework before buying.
I also have seen this at £199.00 +VAT
but also at £346.00 ,same product
Out of curiosity why you selling .Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 26 November 2003
on 11/26/03 at 19:04:42, woodman wrote:Just goes to show Steve you have to do your homework before buying.
I also have seen this at £199.00 +VAT
but also at £346.00 ,same product
Out of curiosity why you selling .
Purchased two of these vacuums when i took someone on but it did not work out so i'm lumbered with thisPosted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 28 November 2003
I did not mean to be impolite
Tip- before buying anything check prices in the internet.
Try Loot or anothe paper, mayby with luck you will sell
Mayby give pack of bags for free, or acesories.
Good Luck
Posted by joeseph (joeseph), 28 November 2003
dont feel so bad i bought 3 last month from craftex @ £299.00 each not inc v.a.t.
joePosted by joeseph (joeseph), 29 November 2003
Sorry £295.00.
joe.Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 16 January 2004
Did you sold?
AdamPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 16 January 2004
yes i sold it to one of my customers
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