Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
traffic lane cleanerPosted by nordan (nordan), 26 February 2004
hi i use the prochem traffic lane cleaner on all my jobs its all i can buy down my way just wonderd how it compars to othersPosted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 26 February 2004
I use chemspec one clean, it's woolsafe approved and I find it has a nice odour which has been commented on a couple of times by the lady of the house.always had success and found it good on draught marks.
I have tried some s711 traffic lane gold was not impressed with it.
I was thinking about trying Multipro but first i am going to try these micro splitters. if they are as marvellous as i am told solution no 8 will be interesting on synthetic carpets.
What are you using.Posted by nordan (nordan), 27 February 2004
have to say chemicals are not my strong point i,ve only used prochems traffic lane cleaner .what are mico splitters?Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 27 February 2004
Hi Nordan
Micro splitting chemicals clean without detergent , peroxide, or enzyme and reduce soil builders in the carpet/upholstery following cleaning, they are used as a pre-spray and not in the tank, and can be used with a variety of systems including extraction, bonnet, brush application. orbital, and no doubt a few more. current suppliers include ourselves. Solution UK Amtech ( One Step ) and Easystep. no guessing which I would recommend!!
Best regards Nick
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