General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Domestic/Commercial, What to charge.Posted by jags28 (jags28), 10 August 2003
Hi Everyone,
can anyone advise me how i go about , working out what to charge customer for Domestic & ironing services.
and also commercial cleaning services and if i decide to go with commercial cleaning could anyone explain to me how i go about, getting the cleaning contracts, putting in the quotes, ect ect.
Also what tools would i need for either domestic cleaning or commercial cleaning.
i would be most grateful for any help/advice, Thankyou.
Jags28 Posted by petina (petina), 14 August 2003
Check out on Yell.Com who else in your local area is offering a similar services, in particular the domestic side of things and then ring them up! Pretent to be anyone but a competitor and ask them what they offer and for how much. You'll be surprised at what people are prepared to pay fro some help at home - often when they stay in themsleves and watch you clean! Lazt **??**s, but let's face it, if they're prepared to pay, look after them and they'll love you for it! Hope this helps.Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 23 October 2003
OK first read forum and you will find many answers really fast.
Pricing really depend on area you in.
I’m in London SW so price as fallows:
* domestic cleaning , ironing etc 7-9£ per h/ minimum 3H
* commercial per job
Big cleans ( one off) per job as well ( 1 bed flat furnished light clean 115£- light means only out side )
Hope this helps
AtoZ Clean
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