General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Hotbox for pressure washers?Posted by kb58 (keith b), 15 February 2004
Hi all,
Other than TECH-CLEANS range, can anyone tell me where i can view or buy a range of Hotboxes (water heaters) for cold water pressure washers ? Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 15 February 2004
Keith, i use a hotbox which i bought last year from a company called H2otec in Melton Molbery.
Cost £800, 15lts/min up to 140degrees
i use it every day and its never gone wrong, its an ace piece of kit
MikePosted by kb58 (keith b), 15 February 2004
Thanks Mike!, that sounds like a good price for spec!,
but im having trouble finding the company you mentioned,
Do you have website address or exact postal address or tel no? as i have tried ``and search engine but with no luck!
thanksPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 15 February 2004
Keith, I knew you'd have trouble! I wanted to buy another one but could'nt find my reciept If 'sheffield Shaun' is reading this he should know the number, I sent him the promotional material that i had.
if you want to see a it I posted a picture of it on titled 'picture too big' on the 27th of december
MikePosted by kb58 (keith b), 15 February 2004
Got to the other forum ok, but posting does not go back to 27 dec?. (unless its me!)
Will have to hope sheffield shaun looks at this posting!
thanks for your help anyway!
keithPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 15 February 2004
its on page 4, if you look at the top of the page you can chose how far you go back.
mikePosted by kb58 (keith b), 15 February 2004
Thanks Mike!
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