Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Wtd: Commercial Spec Letter examples
Posted by skywalker71 (skywalker71), 25 March 2004
Hi guys
I am in need of some ideas for some spec letters I can send out to prospective companies/businesses in the hope of commercial work.
If anyone has any examples they could send me at deepreduk@hotmail.com (any file format will do) Id mightily appreciate it!!
Thanka all
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 25 March 2004
Me too 
Posted by skywalker71 (skywalker71), 25 March 2004
blimey that was quick! How do I contact him? DOH!
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 25 March 2004
Me Too
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 25 March 2004
Yes Mike hurry up its quiet at the moment 
Posted by pre-vac_Nick (HolmansUKLTD), 25 March 2004
Come on Mike...
We all know you are the best!! 
Posted by wrightclean (wrightclean), 25 March 2004
Me to please!!!!!!!
Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 25 March 2004
I think he is on holiday 
Posted by pre-vac_Nick (HolmansUKLTD), 25 March 2004
lucky bastard!!!
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 25 March 2004
Come on guys give Mike a short break he needs the time to collect he’s thoughts run the spellchecker/thesaurus etc but saying that an old song springs to mind why are we waiting!!!!

Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 28 March 2004
I thought you can buy them from Extracta, about £25 for three.
Or get Magnifying glass out for your starter for ten
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 28 March 2004
I might be sunning myself in spain but I´m still looking in
( actually its rained for 3 days solid
) I´ve got a couple of letters when i get home I´ll send some out.
But I hear Mark betts has the worlds biggest supply off marketing material ( even bigger than Joe Polish!!)
drop him a letter
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 28 March 2004
I Betts he has not paid for any of them. Hahahaha
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 28 March 2004
Trouble is he might start charging £4
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 28 March 2004
Well Mr Flynn that just shows what u know.
I have paid for a lot of my stuff AND passed it onto people if they wanted help!!!!
And yes a lot of it I aqquired by people passing onto me as well and the rest!!!!! well its my own.
If anyone would like tp PM me I will pass some on.
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 28 March 2004
Story of my life, I just lost my Betts, Hahaha
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 28 March 2004
So far I have used one of Mark’s (working mans club) made some changes sent out about 30 Saturday week ago quoted on 5 guaranty 4 but must go via the committee I also pick up two pubs by word of mouth.
Once again thanks Mark
Mike now I’m envious I only got back Friday week ago wish I were still there even with the rain. If you are in the San Pedro (Marbella) area I have a Ninja there which you are welcome to use, they love brit cc their.
Posted by skywalker71 (skywalker71), 30 March 2004
Im still in need of these can anyone send me some please to deepreduk@hotmail.com Many thanks
Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 30 March 2004
Have a look at www.ocibr.com 'porthole for cleaners' you will have to register , click on downloads , they have an amazing amount of stuff that you will find useful.You can put something of your own on the site for other people to use then whatever you use does not cost you anythng.
I have used a fair bit of stuff that Mark Betts has put on there (thanks Mark),and it works wonders.
Hope this helps 
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 30 March 2004
Gosh John I havent heard that litte Quip about my surname since I was in Infant school !!!!!!
Your wit is soooooooo sharp.
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 30 March 2004
If anyone wants any letters or stuff to make it easier for me can you please e mail me at sales@carpet-magic.co.uk
as i am getting a lot of requests via private message and its gettin a bit confusing who I have sent what etc etc so if you e mail me I can just press reply.
ps also please can you say where you are from 
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 30 March 2004
Dont think your hotmail account will take large files.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 30 March 2004
Mark, one day you´ll learn your lesson, never offer anything on a public forum because you´ll get 20 private messages asking for it 
If I was honest fancy sales letters don´t work

if you want to send out letters to aquire work then just get your letter headed paper, and type out a simple letter asking if they need the services of a proffessional carpet cleaner then send them to small bussiness where the boss or manager opens the mail ( not a secetrary)
flash, clever salesletter may look good but they can´t make someone have their carpets cleaned if they arent dirty.
Senor Mike ( still raining
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 30 March 2004
A sles consultant who I paid £150 told me exactly the same as Mike has told you for free.
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 30 March 2004
Who do you give the work to Mike, when they answer YES I do require the services of a Professional Carpet Cleaner??
Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 30 March 2004
They obviously work for some and not others , I have always used them and it works for me , I can only speak for myself but I send out about 70 to 100 a month (2nd class )and get better results some months than others but it does depend on who I am writing to that month and the time of year etc, it is the repeat business 6/12 months later that is handy.
Posted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 30 March 2004
Rather than send me all that Marketing stuff can you just send me the money. 
Cut out all that paperwork, postage etc.
see you tommorow
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 30 March 2004
Mike I've just come back from Tenerife and the weather there was beautiful, oh well luck of the draw.
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 30 March 2004
Hey Mike,
You cheeky muppet!!!

It was you that told everyone I would send em stuff !!
You still away?? Bet the misses loves you sneekin off to check on the boards dear wont be long.
PS Dont forget we will all expect a post card
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 31 March 2004
mark do you think I´d bring her with me
she´s still at home!! she could´nt get the time off work so I had to come by myself, ( actually I brought my dad with me)
the weather cleared up nicely so i might get a tan after all 
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 31 March 2004
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