Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Sunday Night ChatPosted by MB (Mark Betts), 9 November 2003
With reference to the little chat a few of us had during thje week in the chat room.
I am proposing a little sunday night chat tonight at 9pm.
Topic will be "Getting work during the slow period after xmas"
Each participant will be required to offer one idea or snippet for increasing businss and also bring a bottle of wine or a case of beer
Log on onto press the chat button, wait to load, this takes some time, then put your name in. Please use the name you use on this site so we know who were talking to.
MarkPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 9 November 2003
Mark I'm off to the pictures but I should be back in time,
just one thing, asking people to bring a long an idea to get biz during the quite months will put off any newbie's because they won't have any ideas so how about making 'bring an idea' helpful but also optional
chat later
Mike Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 9 November 2003
Good idea Mike.
It was just an idea to prevent "experienced" people sitting on the sidelines and gleen info without contributing themselves.
But good idea
ps Mike Pictures huh Thought you had seen the Lion King 4 times already!!! he he
Posted by R.P.CLEANING (R.P.CLEANING), 9 November 2003
How about who to buy a cheap present for the other half and convincing her it's more expensive. Like you do every year Betts. Catch you at 9.00.
Cheers RodPosted by MB (Mark Betts), 9 November 2003
6 people chatting in room.
Come and join us
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