Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Dry CleaningPosted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 4 November 2003
Do you offer on site dry cleaning.
How do you market it
Is your machine used everyday
Is hot better than coldPosted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 4 November 2003
I have an Ultimate hot solvent machine which has not moved out of the store-room for the past two years or so (a very expensive dust gatherer).
Hot solvent cleaning is far superior to cold, but generaly less efficient than cleaning with water. whist there are items that cannot be wet cleaned I find I encounter them rarely. I do carry dry cleaning solvents on the van and have found that on the few occasions I have had to dry clean in the past couple of years I have managed well enough without a specialised machine taking up valiable van space.
As to the marketing, I have done none for over thirty-five years, so am not qualified to answer.
John.Posted by Jim_Lynch (Jim_Lynch), 5 November 2003
I have a couple of Kleenrite portables which are capable of both wet and dry cleaning, but the last time I had to dry clean a lounge was over ten years ago. I also used to dry clean curtains, but again, have not done so for many years.
Most fabrics nowadays can safely be wet cleaned using dry technology tools, such as the Drymaster, and you will get far better results with a wet clean. If there is anything but light soiling in the fabric, you and the customer will be very disappointed with the results.
You should still dry clean curtains because of the shrinkage factor, but it's not a pleasant experience to have the fumes and solvent running down your arms, leaving burns. Send them off to the dry cleaner's shop.
It's also a PITA to flush out your machine if you use it for both wet and dry cleaning.
JimPosted by mdl3leone (mdl3leone), 6 November 2003
I have just noticed you are chatting about dry cleaning. I have used all of them and personally think that after having carried out some tests, EnviroDri is the best one.
Have you heard of it?
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