General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Help, advise required!!!!!Posted by pal (pal), 25 February 2004
Has anyone had an experience of working for "PROCARE CLEANING " Any good ??
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 25 February 2004
Never herd of them
LenPosted by Happyeater (Happyeater), 25 February 2004
Procare the franchise operation?
If so, I've heard bad things. They sell both the contract and equipment to the cleaner. Heard of tub vacs being leased for £5 a week+.
Thinking of buying a franchise or working for them?Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 25 February 2004
For Procare you may as well also read Global. Two different companies but operating in exactly the same way - get a contract cheaply and then sub-contract it.
There have already been a few threads about Global, I suggest you utilise the search engine to read up.
Final word - avoid like the plague.
MusicmanPosted by pal (pal), 27 February 2004
Hi had experience of both Global and Procare. Ended up walking away from Global as they mucked me about. Tried Procare and they have been fair so far. They have not offered hire of vac and sell contracts for 3x not 6x like global.
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