General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
wheelie bin cleanining equipment Posted by lloydthomas (lloydthomas), 9 October 2003
Can anyone anywhere supply information on where to obtain equipment for cleaning wheelie bins (I don't want a franchise nor info on starting a business - just equipment manufacturers/suppliers/distributors)
LTPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 9 October 2003
I'll try and dig something out I looked at all the franchises eventually decided to go with a company in Ipswich what a mistake 2 month delay in getting the unit pressure washer packed in day one after cleaning 25 bins, 3 months later pressure washer still not working properly brackets started to break not at all happy with unit.Contacted the company and after alot of arguments eventually gave the unit back only losing a minimal amount of money I was very lucky in that respect.Try this one for starters
Wrightway services 01159320788 Posted by james44 (james44), 17 October 2003
when you buy a franchise you already have a customer base to get your buisness up and running how do they get the customers for you before your buisness starts anyone! Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 17 October 2003
Depends which franchise you go for vip send a team of canvassers in for 3-4 days and get as many customers as they can in that period after that timescale you get charged if you want the canvassers to stay longerPosted by james44 (james44), 17 October 2003
thanks steve very helpful. Posted by james44 (james44), 18 October 2003
steve i have some equipment i bought 6 months ago ie! pressure washer generator water tank would i just need a water recycling system to start wheelie bin cleaning, what cleaning chemicals would i need. where to get a water recycling system.Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 18 October 2003
on 10/18/03 at 00:10:30, james44 wrote:steve i have some equipment i bought 6 months ago ie! pressure washer generator water tank would i just need a water recycling system to start wheelie bin cleaning, what cleaning chemicals would i need. where to get a water recycling system.
Sorry can't help you there the cleaning unit i had just filtered the water through a couple of filters so we were cleaning bins with dirty water that's one of the reasons we we gave the unit back.Try they have a recycling system.Posted by james44 (james44), 18 October 2003
cheers steve ! oh and sorry to be a pest when you took out your franchise did you get a operators manual and was it any good. ps.( tried greenclean web site up for sale do you have a phone number) .Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 18 October 2003
on 10/18/03 at 20:37:31, james44 wrote:cheers steve ! oh and sorry to be a pest when you took out your franchise did you get a operators manual and was it any good.
No the manual was very poor but some i've read are really good.The deal i got involved in was very poor alarm bells should have rang when we ordered the unit in January and i was promised it would be ready in three weeks three months later the unit arrived one month later they got it back Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 18 October 2003
They are in worthing (west sussex)
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