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Chip Shop Windows

Posted by sc (sc), 24 February 2004
I do the inside of a chippy and its really hard to clean. I only do it every fortnight on my normal residential round, it gets well greasy and is hard to do without leaving smears.

I was thinking of getting a spray bottle and using more than the normal the amount of GG4 or possibly fairy.

What do you recommend?

Thanks SteveC
Posted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 24 February 2004
A 6" Triumph & up the price!
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 24 February 2004
We've got a couple of chippies, but they're done inside and out every week and it's still a sod of a job. On weeks that they've been really busy you can tell even before you're out of the van.

You really need to convince them that they need done more often, or as Karl says, up the price.

Posted by sc (sc), 24 February 2004
Whats a 6" Triumph?

I can't do it more often as it's not worth travelling to.

I'll double the price soon, at the minute its an extra couple of quid, but soon it'll be wasting too much of my time.

And having a chip butty doesn't make it any quicker  Cheesy

Posted by denzle (Denzle), 24 February 2004
You could try adding some ammonia to your solution, that cuts through grease pretty good... anything is worth a try.
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 24 February 2004
Whats a 6" Triumph?

Posted by simonb (simonb), 25 February 2004
I make a point of not doing chippies or chinese takeaways simply because:

They won't pay what the job is worth.
You have to go when they are open.

I dropped one chippy and found I got my round done an hour faster because I didn't have to work around getting there for 11.30 when they opened.
Posted by Darren_Sharpe (Darren_Sharpe), 26 February 2004

I can solve your problem with the greasy windows.  We use a process called bioremediation which is designed for hydrocarbons of which the type of grease you are dealing with falls into.  Our product called FPT-600 will solve this problem quicker than you can imagine and will not leave smears.  You are probally thinking it sounds expensive its not and for your use would probally cost around 20-25p per litre.  If you would like to know more please contact me.


Darren Sharpe

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